Monday, March 23, 2009

''Covergirl'', The real story, or what?

I've always been pretty darn curious about this. Have you ever been to a covergirls suite, and seen barely NO visitors for a long while? Well.. I have. Anyways, Stardoll says you need to get lots of votes in order to win Covergirl, right? Well, Now, Does it make sense to not have many vistors, (which is basically no votes) and win Covergirl? You need votes, correct? Yep. So, how do you get votes with no vistors? Strange.

UNLESS... Stardoll randomly picks people to win Covergirl. I'm not surprised if they do something like this, since I bet they are hiding millions and jillions, of things from us. So, the question is, does Stardoll randomly pick covergirls? Who knows.

1 comment:

Muffins0012 said...

My friend told me stardoll pick randomly.