Sunday, March 22, 2009

GaGa is in the House!

Sorry, Lady Gaga fans, but I'm talking about myself, Kate. Many close friends refer to me as Katey Gaga, due to my current obsession of Ms. Gaga herself. Alright, I hear you, enough with the nonsense.
I'm TopMedoll, known to Kate as some people. I'd like to thank Adri for giving me such an oppurtunity to write for Stardolls Vogue, I really appreciate it. I hope I can bring that spark needed to make this blog soar, but we'll have to wait and see! I myself own a blog,, with it's main priority to bring out the good in life (more like medolls). If you come across a dazzling suite, give me a call in my guestbook, and I'll check it out. If you want, you can also include some names/clubs in the comments, I'll check back every so often!
-Kate Antoinette.

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